Tuesday 1 July 2008

There is more pig-shaped food!

I've been generally discouraged by the state of affairs for pigs in the world, so I haven't posted anything here for a while. However, the Russian pig lovers' LiveJournal community ru_piggy recently featured a collection of photos of pig-shaped food that I want to share ... Follow this link.

1 comment:

Ainur Elmgren said...

ru_piggy ....


Making pig-shaped food reminds me of old East-Asian (Taiwanese, perhaps?) traditions of burying little humanoid dolls at funerals, recalling the time of human sacrifices. (More close to us, the Danes still burn a witch doll on Midsummer's Eve.) If the pigs according to the Melanesians were created as substitutes for human flesh, then it's a nice gesture to substitute the pigs with pig-shaped vegetarian food. We already eat little man-shaped cakes sometimes for Christmas...